Ramen Heresy

Japanese/American Cultural Collision

Friday, February 17, 2006

Hell Week

So ends a hell week in the magical world of cable television. In the last seven days I've had to be at work before 5:00 a.m. 4 times. The last three days consecutively before 4:30. Now if we had managed to have everything flawlessly completed by 6:00 a.m. it wouldn't be so bad. Unfortunately there were complications. Video on Demand and High Speed Internet had some issues. No doubt some will think that satellite is better because of that. After all they can't even offer competing services, such are the advantages of low expectations.

On top of that my fiancee calls me today, at 2 a.m. Tokyo time, after waking up from a nightmare. In the nightmare she forgot how to speak English and I got mad at her for it. It turns out she'd been reading a blog of some Japanese woman who married an American. This woman was apparently desperately homesick and hadn't managed to make any friends after she came to the U.S.. This woman had posted this poll on her blog that was ostensibly a "Are You American" poll. It consisted of several questions derived from every negative stereotype of American's that you can think of. So I end up having to answer the questions of this dumbass poll so my fiancee feels better. I really didn't need this today.

Ah well...at least it was payday.


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